Legislation and Guidelines

 The valuation of agricultural lands is done in accordance with North Dakota Century Code 57-02-27.2 which requires the valuation be based soil type and soil classification data from detailed and general soil surveys.


North Dakota Century Code 57-02-27.2 "Valuation and assessment of agricultural lands"


Link: NDCC 57-02-27.2


 "True and full value" of agricultural lands must be their agricultural value for the purposes of sections 57-02-27, 57-02-27.1, 57-02-27.2, and 57-55-04. Agricultural value is defined as the "capitalized average annual gross return", except for inundated agricultural land. The "annual gross return" must be determined from crop share rent, cash rent, or a combination thereof reduced by estimated property taxes and crop marketing expenses incurred by farmland owners renting their lands on a cash or crop share basis.


In determining the relative value of each assessment parcel, the local assessor shall apply the following considerations, which are listed in descending order of significance to the assessment determination:

a. Soil type and soil classification data from detailed or general soil surveys.

b. The schedule of modifiers that must be used to adjust agricultural property assessments within the county as approved by the state supervisor of assessments under subsection 9.

c. Actual use of the property for cropland or noncropland purposes by the owner of the parcel.


Office of Tax Commissioner


Valuation Concepts - Agricultural Property


Further guidelines and publications from the Office of Tax Commissioner can be found at Property Tax Guidelines & Publications.

2024 Agricultural Land Valuation

2024 Agricultural Land Valuation


For tax year 2024 Morton County's average agricultural value per acre is $382.32 as provided by the Office of Tax Commissioner. The State Board of Tax Equalization requires Morton County be 90-100% of this average. Traditionally Morton County aims to be at 92% of the average or $351.74 for 2023.


To achieve this goal values have been set for each of the 147 soil types in Morton County based on the soil productivity index (MUPI).



Combining the soil values with the acres of each soil type results in the valuation for each of the 8,436 agricultural parcels in Morton County.

2023 Agricultural Land Valuation

2023 Agricultural Land Valuation


For tax year 2023 Morton County's average agricultural value per acre is $400.23 as provided by the Office of Tax Commissioner. The State Board of Tax Equalization requires Morton County be 90-100% of this average. Traditionally Morton County aims to be at 92% of the average or $368.21 for 2023.


To achieve this goal values have been set for each of the 147 soil types in Morton County based on the soil productivity index (MUPI).



Combining the soil values with the acres of each soil type results in the valuation for each of the 8,436 agricultural parcels in Morton County.

2022 Agricultural Land Valuation

2022 Agricultural Land Valuation


For tax year 2022 Morton County's average agricultural value per acre is $396.14 as provided by the Office of Tax Commissioner. The State Board of Tax Equalization requires Morton County be 90-100% of this average. Traditionally Morton County aims to be at 92% of the average or $364.46 for 2022.


To achieve this goal values have been set for each of the 147 soil types in Morton County based on the soil productivity index (MUPI).



Combining the soil values with the acres of each soil type results in the valuation for each of the 8,240 agricultural parcels in Morton County.

2021 Agricultural Land Valuation

2021 Agricultural Land Valuation


For tax year 2021 Morton County's average agricultural value per acre is $399.52 as provided by the Office of Tax Commissioner. The State Board of Tax Equalization requires Morton County be 90-100% of this average. Traditionally Morton County aims to be at 92% of the average or $367.50 for 2021.


To achieve this goal values have been set for each of the 147 soil types in Morton County based on the soil productivity index (MUPI).



Combining the soil values with the acres of each soil type results in the valuation for each of the 8,130 agricultural parcels in Morton County.