Frequently Asked Questions
As a college student, what requirements must I meet to vote in Morton County?
College students need to meet the four requirements that all voters must meet:
- 18 years of age or older
- United States Citizen
- North Dakota resident
- Have lived in their precinct for at least 30 days before the election
Students that are from North Dakota and currently reside in Morton County usually meet the four requirements but often elect to vote by absentee in their home county because they want to maintain that as their residence. Students are eligible to vote by absentee ballot using their North Dakota address. Students that are residents of Minnesota or other states should request an absentee ballot from the state they maintain as there residence.
Click here to read more information from the ND Secretary of State.
What forms do I need to file to run for a county office?
A candidate for a county office shall file:
- A completed SFN 2704 Petition/Certificate of Nomination
- A completed SFN 2703 Affidavit of Candidacy
- A completed SFN 10172 Statement of Interest
These must be filed with the County Auditor by 4:00 PM on the 64th day before the election. Please contact your county auditor regarding the required number of signatures for the petition.
What is a crossover vote?
In the June election, you may vote for candidates in only one political party. That means you may not vote for a Republican in one office and a Democrat for another office. You must vote for candidates in one political party. This requirement is for statewide political races on the June ballot only. Political races on the November ballot may be voted any way you like. The voting equipment used at every polling location will notify you if you have incorrectly voted for candidates in more than one political party.
What should I bring with me on Election Day to the polling location?
When you appear at the polling location, State law requires that the poll clerk ask you to provide identification to verify your eligibility to vote in that precinct. (ND Century Code 16.1-05-07)
An acceptable form of identification must include:
- Name
- Residential Address*(a post office box number cannot be accepted), preferably a photograph
- Date of Birth
Appropriate forms of identification include a Valid North Dakota:
- Driver’s License
- State Identification Card (non-Driver’s License)
- Tribal Government issued Identification card (with address)
- Student Identification Certificate (provided by ND college or university)
- Long Term Care Identification Certificate (provided by ND facility)
*if the residential address on your ID is no longer correct, missing, or displays a non-physical address such as a PO Box, please make sure the provider of the ID has your physical address on file. This address in your voter record is updated as changes are received for ID providers and this address determines your voting precinct when qualified to vote.
Are there different identification requirements for voting Absentee?
According to ND Century Code 16.1.07-06,
You will need a valid:
- North Dakota form of identification listed above
- Passport or Military ID – Only for North Dakota residents living outside the United States who do not possess one of the other forms of identification.
- Attester – An applicant without an acceptable form of identification may use an attester. The attester must provide his or her name, North Dakota Driver’s License, non-Driver’s, or Tribal Identification Number, and sign the absentee application form to attest to the applicant’s North Dakota residency and voting eligibility.
Are you a North Dakota Uniformed Service Member or Family Member stationed away from home?
Please click here for more information.
Are you a North Dakota Resident living outside the United States?
Please click here for more information.