Morton County now has fillable forms! See the information below and make sure you have the most current Adobe software downloaded on your PC/Mac or Smart Device.



Adobe Fill and Sign mobile app

Download this FREE app on your smart device in order to fill out and sign forms.

Click here to install Adobe Fill and Sign


Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app

If you are looking to simply view pdf forms on your smart device or fill out the forms, download this FREE app.

Click here to install Adobe Acrobat Reader


Adobe Acrobat Reader for PC

In order to view our fillable PDF forms on your desktop/ pc, you will have to install the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader first.

Click here to install Adobe Acrobat Reader for PC


Instructions on how to use the "Submit Form":

  1. Download and save the form(s) you need to your desktop at the links provided below.
  2. Open the form from your desktop and complete the application. You can save data typed into the application by clicking File>Save As
  3. Click "Submit Form" when finished, and a window will pop up from Windows Outlook with the form attached to an email. Please note: if you are using a web based email to send the form on your PC, you will have to attach the document through that application instead of using the "Submit Form" feature.
  4. Click "Send" and your form will be sent to the designated department. 
  5. To ensure that your form was sent properly, we recommend that you follow-up with the department the form was sent. Our County Directory can be located here.



  Highway Department

Instructions on how to use the fill out the Approach Permit Application:

  1. Download and save the form(s) you need to your desktop at the links provided below.
  2. Open the form from your desktop and complete the application. You can save data typed into the application by clicking File>Save As
  3. Click "Submit Form" when finished, and a window will pop up from Windows Outlook with the form attached to an email. Please note: if you are using a web based email to send the form on your PC, you will have to attach the document through that application instead of using the "Submit Form" feature.
  4. Click "Send" and your form will be sent to the designated department. 
  5. To ensure that your form was sent properly, we recommend that you follow-up with the department the form was sent. Our County Directory can be located here.

  States Attorney