Russian Knapweed (Centaurea repens L.)
(Centaurea repens L.)
GROWTH HABIT: Perennial herb, up to 3 ft. tall, erect, may be in dense clumps. Greyish color.
LEAVES: Alternate, simple, of several types:
Upper leaves – small, narrow, unbroken edge;
Stem leaves – intermediate in size, slight toothed margins;
Basal leaves – deeply notched.
STEMS: Numerous branches, each ending with a single flower.
FLOWERS: Single, terminal, lavender, thistle like, scaly seed head.
ROOTS: Dark brown to black and heavily scaled.
SEEDS: Flattened, ivory colored, retained in cup-shaped seed heads.
OTHER: Leaves and stems covered with short stiff hairs giving plant and appearance of knap. Spreads by seeds and creeping rootstocks.