Morton County Commission Approves Fire Emergency and Burn Restriction Effective January 28, 2025

Fire Emergency & Burn Restriction in Effect


The Morton County Commission, in conjunction with Morton County Emergency Management and under the recommendation of the Morton County Fire Chiefs, has approved a Fire Emergency and Burn Restriction effective January 28, 2025, through December 2025.


🔥 When the ND Rangeland Fire Danger Rating is High, Very High, Extreme, or a Red Flag Warning is issued, all open burning is prohibited. This includes:
✔ Campfires
✔ Controlled burns (wood piles, tumbleweeds, tree piles, etc.)
✔ Cropland and agricultural burning
✔ Outdoor fireplaces and chimineas
✔ Aerial and ground fireworks
✔ Garbage and pit burning
✔ Charcoal and wood fire grills/smokers
✔ Smoking outdoors
✔ Outdoor welding and hot work


If you need to conduct a controlled burn, you must notify State Radio at 701-328-9921 before burning.


These restrictions are in place to help prevent wildfires and protect lives and property. Stay informed on daily fire danger ratings and follow all burn restrictions.

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