Morton County offers virtual option for public meetings attendance and participation
For Immediate Release
March 23, 2020
Contact: Morton County Public Information Officer (701) 426-1587
Morton County website:
Morton County offers virtual option for public meetings attendance and participation
Mandan, ND – In keeping with recommendations of public health officials to minimize public gatherings during this COVID-19 event and to protect the health and well-being of our community, elected officials, and staff during the COVID-19 outbreak, Morton County will off a virtual option for public attendance and participation at County Commission and other board meetings until further notice.
A link in which the public may stream and participate by phone or computer is found below. The first meetings to utilize this method include the Park Board scheduled for 4:00 p.m. and County Commission meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m. tonight, Tuesday, March 24. For instructions on how to participate in future commission and board meetings, click on the Virtual Meetings icon on our home page under “Quick Links.”
The agenda for the Commission meeting can be found here:
To join the meeting, the public has two options:
- View streaming video with audio capabilities: (requires internet-connected computer or cell phone)
From internet connected computer, follow this link:
From internet-connected mobile phone, download ZOOM Cloud Meetings app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and enter Meeting ID: 955 106 7866. There is no need to register, you can simply join the meeting.
- Join audio-only meeting:
You may dial (312) 626-6799 and enter Meeting ID: 955 106 7866
Additionally, Morton County Commission meetings are recorded and played at various dates and times on Government Access, cable channel 2, which is available in the Bismarck Mandan area. All past meetings are available to view online at any time on
Morton County welcomes a person’s right to express his/her opinion and encourages meeting participants to keep comments related to agenda items. Morton County reserves the right to remove any participants from the virtual meeting that are inappropriate or offensive, including those that violate the legal rights of others or could harm the safety or well-being of one of our staff or commissioners.