Registered Offenders
Pursuant to North Dakota Century Code Section 12.1-32-15, the law requires a person who is a resident of North Dakota and who has a qualifying conviction to maintain registration with the police department or sheriff's office in the jurisdiction where the person resides. In some circumstances, out-of-state registrants are required to register their in-state employment or college addresses.
The purpose of this list is to promote public protection from the potential risks posed by individuals who have committed offenses in the past. Sex offenders have always lived in our communities, and the accompanying risks have always been present. This method of public notification is an acceptable way of reducing that risk and enhancing public protection. Any actions taken by persons against these subjects, including vandalism of property, intimidation, harassment or verbal or written threats of harm against these subjects or their families, landlords, or employers, are not acceptable, and will likely result in arrest and prosecution of those persons.
We encourage the public to periodically review the North Dakota registered offender list available through the ND Attorney General's Office. You can choose to search by county to view the list specific to Morton County: Click to search
Sex Offender Registration Procedure
Offenders may come to the Morton County Sheriff's Office to register by appointment only. Registration will be available Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) 9:00am-11:30am, 1:00pm-4:00pm.
Appointments can be made by calling 701-667-3330 between the hours of 8:30am-4:00pm. Explain that you would like to make an appointment for offender registration.